Piriformis syndrome
piriformis syndrome is painful musculoskeletal condition; characterized by pain in the buttocks/hip that radiates to back and/or side of the leg due to compression of the sciatic nerve. Synonyms for the condition are Deep gluteal syndrome, extraspinal sciatica and wallet neuritis. Clinical anatomy piriformis muscle originates from anterior surface of sacrum(s2&s4), gluteal surface of the ilium (posterior superior iliac spine) and Sacro-tuberous ligament. It passes through greater sciatic notch to insert onto greater tubercle of the femur. the muscle is involved in external rotation and abduction of the hip joint. it also stabilizes head of the femur in the acetabulum. Relation between piriformis and sciatic nerve generally, sciatic nerve exits the pelvic below the belly of the piriformis muscle. still congenital variations are there. According to these variations, Beaton and Anson has classified these relationships into 6 categories Aetiology the cause can be divided in...